Accompanying program

All the events will take place in front of the stand of the Czech Post, where you can also buy most of the postage stamps of the artists and engravers participating in autographing.

Wednesday  – 15. 8.

10:00 – 12:00

autograph session:  artist Jan Kavan, engraver  Jaroslav Tvrdoň


Celebration of the book Stolen stamp of Dutch author Bram Klein associated with autographing. The book will be available on the stand of at the Dobrovský Bookshop.

14:00 – 16:00

autograph session: artists Jaromír a Libuše Knotkovi, Kamil Knotek, engraver Martin Srb

Thursday – 16. 8.

10:00 – 12:00

autograph session:  artist  Kryštof Krejča

12:00 – 12:30

Mr. Wolfgang Maassen (President of the AIJP – the world association of authors and journalists in philately) and Mr. Ulrich Felzmann (Managing Director of the Auction House Felzmann) would introduce and give a presentation about the book “Das System des Terrors 1933-1945”. The author, Mr. Claus Geissler, would sign it.

12:30 – 13:30

Celebration of stamps “Stylish Prague” and “Prague mother of cities” issued to Praga 2018 Expo. Autograph session of the artist Roman Sedlák. You can buy postage stamps at the stand 28.

14:00 – 16:00

autograph session: artists  Jan Maget, Eva Hašková , engraver Václav Fajt

Friday – 17. 8.


New book publication: Presentation of the Handbook of Slovakia Postal History 1850-1867 from Peter Severin by The Global Philatelic Network. You will find the book at Heinrich Köhler Stand.

15:00 – 17:00

autograph session: engraver  Miloš Ondráček

Saturday – 18. 8.

10:00 – 12:00

autograph session :  artists  Pavel Sivko, Karel Dvořák,  engraver  Bohumil Šneider


Get your passport with over 50 countries!

A passport that can be visited by more than 50 countries worldwide will be given free to all visitors to the Praga 2018 Expo at the Olympik Congress Hotel. The so-called The “Philatelic Passport” is part of the exhibition catalog and its owner can put in the unique collectible stamps of postal stamps attending the event.

The countries that are present or represented at the event are a few dozen and visitors to the trade fair will be able to buy postage stamps from, for example, Iran, the Åland Islands, Austria, Germany, Bangladesh, Hungary, China, North Korea, Spain, Turkey, Mexico, Colombia, El Salvador, Panama, Chile, Brazil, Cuba, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Urguaye, states, Gambia, Grenada, Guyana, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Antigua and Barbuda, Papua New Guinea, Nevis , Palau, St. Kitts, St. Vincent, Tuvalu, and UN Post Office.

And, of course, all the available postage stamps of Czech Post, including those issued specifically for the Prague 2018 World Exhibition.

PRAGA 2018 EXPO – do not miss the issue of special private stamps

Special stamps the leading motif of which is Prague will be officially issued by the Czech Post on the occasion of the Expo event accompanying the PRAGA 2018 World Stamp Exhibition.


The “Stylish Prague” series is conceived in the “Art Deco” style. Its author is Roman Sedlák, a painter specializing in this style which is inseparably connected with Prague. The second series, named “Praga Mater Urbium – Prague – Mother of Cities” consists of photographs of the most renowned dominants of Prague.

The stamps, which will undoubtedly attract collectors, will be sold only during the Expo event in the Olympik Congress Hotel and during the Sberatel / Collector fair in September (September 7 and 8, PVA Exhibition Grounds in Prague).

Stand / No. 28

French Polynesia issued a stamp for Praga 2018 Expo with „Czechoslovak hero“ Mr. M. R. Štefánik

The Post Office of French Polynesia has set up its own stamp with the famous figure who stood at the birth of free Czechoslovakia – diplomat, astronomer and passionate pilot Milan Rastislav Štefánik, who observed the Halley comet in Tahiti in 1910.

Stand of French Polynesia / No. 41

At Praga 2018 Expo you will buy exclusively “Star Wars Stamps”

You can find postage stamps with Star Wars heroes at the Spanish Post. This year’s film is dedicated to young Han Solo from the latest Solo movie: A Star Wars Story is also printed with lenticular technology. Thanks to the 3D technology used, the motive of the mark changes after it is rotated.

The stand of the Spanish Post and the UN Post No. 39

Limited offer of engraving by Paolo Veronese “Saint Catherine with the Angel”

The author’s engraving of the engraver Mr. Václav Fajt, which is a transcription of the painting of Paolo Veronese “Saint Catherine with the Angel” from the Prague Castle collections, can be purchased at the stand of No. 28. Engraving will be available in 100 pieces each, numbered and signed author. Václav Fajt is an important engraver of Czech postage stamps. stand No. 28


Samples of some collectibles issued to the Prague 2018 Expo

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